Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Filling In Sweet's Resume

We've already discussed David Sweet's vanishing resume in the past, but today we're happy to complete it. As we mentioned, David Sweet's offical biography states the following:

David’s leadership experience includes work as Vice President of Business Development for a Hamilton-based think tank from 2004 to 2006 and President of two national organizations prior to 2004.

We have already discovered that the "Hamilton-based think tank" was the Work Research Foundation, a group that is dedicated to putting Evengelical's in politics, and we've already stated that one of the "national organizations" that Sweet was President of was the Promise Keepers.

But what about the second "national organization" that Sweet was President of? Good question. Glad you asked.

It's been hard for us to track Mr. Sweet's past. As he prepared to first run for Parliament in 2004, he managed to scrub the internet clean of anything and everything that would expose who he really was. But, we here at "David Sweet Watch" are a dilligent bunch and we've managed to track the group down.

The "national organization" that Sweet led was none other than the Canadian Association of Pregnancy Support Services, an anti-abortion group. The CAPSS approaches pregnant women who they feel are "in danger" of having an abortion and persuades them to carry to term without exploring other options. Using dubious facts and scare tactics, this group misleads young women from coast to coast - since 1990.

With the missing resume is complete, allow us to recap. David Sweet was:

1) the former Vice-President of an evengelical group which advocates for their members to enter politics in the hope of influencing public policy,

2) the President of the Promise Keepers, a mysoginist group which demands that wives "submit" to their husbands and,

3) the President of an anti-abortion group that misleads young pregnant women.

Humble residents of Ancaster-Dundas-Flamborough-Westdale, I present to you our representative in Ottawa!

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The New Office

Have you passed by the plaza on Main West and Osler Drive recently?

If so, did you notice the construction in the empty strore front? Well, if not, that is our friend David. He's hard at work.

Doing what, you might ask? Apparently he's correcting an old mistake and moving his constituency office from it's current Greensville location but, frankly, we're not buying it. An election is coming soon and we're positive he's setting up his campaign office at the same location as his old one.

Interesting how Sweet campaigns in Westdale but places his constituency office in a location that is inaccessable to the majority of the riding, eh?

Anyways this new office is going to be bigger than the old one. In fact, its going to be double the size of the old one, which requires some renovations. So, he's renovating but we've learned from a source that is working with Sweet that he doesn't have permits. Tsk, tsk David...follow city building codes. It's the law after all.

Aside from this tiny scandal, Sweet's construction should show us all that an election is coming soon.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Sweet's Competition

Part of our mission here at David Sweet Watch is to document - and well, promote - those who are contesting our riding and hoping to defeat Sweet. First up is the NDP candidate Gordon Guyatt. Guyatt's nomination will be on March 25th at Dundas Old Town Hall.

So, Guyatt is the first one with this hat in the ring and we're glad to see it.

No word on who the Green's or the Liberals have nominated yet, but once we get word we'll be sure to pass it along to all of you.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Rumour Control - Will Sweet Stay?

We here at David Sweet Watch get plenty of e-mails. We love getting mail so keep sending in your letters!

One of the more interesting e-mails that we've gotten was from a person named "Brett" who claims to be a party insider. "Brett" gave us a hot rumour: David Sweet may be replaced for a more "moderate" candidate.

To us, that is great news. In fact, it is the best news we've heard in a long time but we have a few questions, such as how could this be done?

Sweet has already been nominated so we're thinking perhaps a nice government appointment before the election.

Will the Prime Minister give his dirty little secret a plum posting? Will David Sweet be replaced? Will David Sweet Watch's reason for existing be abolished? Who knows, but stay tuned.

And, once again, thanks to "Brett".

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Getting Results?

Here is something to think about:

If the New Democrat Party can get desperately needed money for Hamilton residents even though they are in the opposition, why can't the governing Tory members do something for the city?

That question was posed by NDP leader Jack Layton who was recently in the city and one that we're wondering ourselves. Why can't David Sweet get federal funds to help clean up Randle Reef, one of the country's worst coal tar environmental problems, after he promised in the last election that he would help Hamilton complete this task? Why can't he help clean up the harbour like he promised in the last election.

The government's new budget is coming up soon so we're wondering if the money that the city desperatley needs to clean up Randle Reef will be included. Frankly, we're not holding our breath. Chances are that David Sweet will drop the ball again.
